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Librec-auto Configuration File

LibRec Auto takes a configuration file, then splits the data, then recommendations, then evaluations.

  1. Data section: Uploads the data. data_conf
  2. Feature section: Enumerates the features and pin the features to the dataset. fea_config
  3. Splitter section: not applicable for this project. splitter_config
  4. Algorithm section: Responsible for taking the features and give the recommendation list. alg_config
  5. Rerank section: Necessary for SCRUF-D project. rerank_config
  6. Metrics section: Allows to add the necessary metrics (ndcg, psp, etc.) metrics_config Other sections: post-processing (for excel, or browser).

PyCharm Testing Configuration Examples

OBP Demo OFAiR Configuration


OBP OFAiR Reranker Configuration